Rural Urban Framework (RUF) will be announced at the Chicago Architecture Biennial tomorrow as the 2015 Curry Stone Design Prize winner. Emiliano Gandolfi, Prize Director, will announce the winner after a discussion called “Designing Coexistence” as part of the press preview program of the Biennial. See the event details at the Chicago Biennial.

About Rural Urban Framework
The research and design collaborative Rural Urban Frameworks (RUF) addresses one of the most urgent geopolitical issues of our time: how to deal with the imbalances created by mass migrations. It is working to help recover and rebuild villages across China that have been affected by the massive rural-to-urban migrations.

China is currently undergoing a migration of unprecedented scale, losing approximately three hundred rural villages each day. To put the speed and scale of this transformation into context, in 1980 approximately 80 percent of Chinese lived in rural villages. Today, more than half of the population lives in cities. This trend is expected to accelerate under a government plan to move an additional 250 million rural residents into cities by the year 2025.